The South windows let in a lot of light, a lot of heat, but we got the porch on this summer! (After pic) |
Short Cape, fur-collar out, hangs on my 'self made manikin". |
(As in, outdoors work has taken precidence over indoors finishing!)
We've got most of our stuff moved over, but it's far from organized at the new place. My lovely spinning wheels are sitting largely unused, and our closet (in the background) still holds so much electrical and lighting supply that it's not functioning for the wardrobe very well!
But! I've used a free standing drying rack to drape my project fabrics on, working against the "out of sight, out of mind" principle.
They are really pretty, and I do find myself impatient to begin getting them worked up into their intended garments!
Stacking the lightweight shelves on top of our old childhood dresser gives us so much vertical space, we haven't utilized it all!
But you can see the really beautiful faux fur roll at the top, which trimmed the Short Cape, and the Old German gown.
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