Hey there!!!
Yes, we made it through August!
August to me is one of those difficult months... it's too hot to enjoy summer any more, but we're still not ready to acknowledge that it's almost fall. It's like something inside is screaming "I wanna go back to May!!!"
Which isn't possible... so, everything just slides into a long, sticky string of events, like molasses. Black strap molasses, in fact.
But by the time we reach Semptember everything is better. The temps are cooler, the weather more gorgeous, the harvest is coming in and from time to time you can almost catch the smell of fall in the air. And that's okay, in fact, by this time, we're looking forward to fall.
Hey, by mid-canning-season: we're even looking forward to
So, the big question is: Did I make my 20k goal for August?
After the creativity draining Camp NaNo in July, where I over shot my original 20k goal to produce 32k.
...Let me tell you, August did not start out with a thunderclap of writing frenzy.
In fact, August didn't start out with any writing at all.
My batteries had to seriously recharge.
And then some Real Life stresses stepped in and messed things up in their own sweet way, and then it was the middle of the month and I had hardly written anything at all.
So of course, there was mild panic, because I don't want to break my "20k monthly goal" success
streak! Ever since January '14!
This is the 8th consecutive month that I've produce 20k words in.
And yes.... I did get them produced.
It was tough, but I finished the final 2k needed on the next to the last day of the month, and then I just called it quits.
I seriously need to recharge my batteries!!!
Progress So Far This Year
So, on the flip side, I do want to take a minute and publicly consider what this commitment to "Monthly 20k" has resulted in.
August was the 8th month!!! Can you believe it??? (I can't hardly!

Here's the math: 8 x 20 = 160
That means that I have written a
minimum of
160 thousand words, so far.
A minimum!
That is 3 novel's worth. .... Or 6-to-8-ish novellas... or...
Well, actually, it's two 30k novellas, one 90k novel, and I've got the follow-up novel at about 50k, with a couple of thousands tossed into roughly three of the later in the series.
(Yep, all new since January '14!!! Yes, I am kind of freaking out. It seems I've finally closed in on the secret to letting the stories out of my head in a smoother stream!)
Since I have overshot 20k on more months than not, the total word-count is at least 200 thousand new words.
That is... to me... pretty amazing. I wouldn't have thought it possible even just a few years ago, and now...? It's still pretty amazing.
But, having the flexible-timed, large-monthly goal has helped me keep motivated without getting discouraged.
Discouraged is a horrible place for creativity.
And learning how to refine the quality of my writing time has hugely affected the words-per-hour.... since I no longer sit at the computer beating myself up for not having a clue what should happen in this scene.
And having a truly gripping set of plot-lines has inspired a much better conversion rate of time-in-chair.
So, thanks to expert, knowledgeable, professional folks like
Rachel Aaron,
Dean Wesley Smith, and
Hugh Howey for publicly sharing their hard-won perspectives on the realities of being a writer... and particularly, an indie writer.
You have each inspired me!
(And if you don't know them yet, I heartily recommend checking them out! As writers, they are truly great role models to watch, and learn from!)
Future Progress
Also, in August, to get me through to the goal, my first reader and I did a lot of plot brainstorming. We now have the next four-to-five novels lightly sketched out, and the possible spinoffs nailed down enough so that their possibilities will not be impeding forward motion on any of the next up books.
This is huge!!!
And I'm so grateful to have a sister like that who can bring clarity to the muddle of my inspirations!
(Also, I do intend to make a post about my/our plotting process to share! ...Soon... ish...

So... that was my August. How was yours?