Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Whooo-HOOO!!! April Report.

I did it!
 I got the remaining words needed to make a full 30k this month, and now I've done it!

 Only one day to go, so there wasn't any chance of my going on to 40k, but that can wait til next month.
 I got blindsided by a few things in Real Life that kind of ambushed my creativity and hauled it away captive, so I was very glad that I'd been able to get so far ahead on my word count. It meant not worrying too much over Camp NaNo and instead worrying solely about the Real Life stuff.
 (Nice, right? )

   So... this is me, at peace with myself, my word count and my win. And I think I actually enjoy this one the most I ever have.
  Maybe I'm improving at this "race yourself" concept... and I know I'm very delighted with the story I've managed to get down onto the screen this month, and I look forward very much to having it fully completed.
   But not right now.
    Right now I'm going to work on those Real Life things and get them straightened out as well as I can. 'Cause if they act up once, they'll act up again if you don't get them fixed!

 How 'bout you? 
Have you met a goal this month? Was there something that tried to jump in your way; and did you plow thorugh it, or did it defeat you?
 Tell me!!!


Connie Jean said...

Great job! I hit my goal way early, then cracked out 6k AFTER I won and stopped counting. ;)

E. KaIser Writes said...

Good for you, Connie! It's a great idea to have a reasonable goal and then overshoot spectacularly! :-)

Kelsey Bryant said...

Congratulations! I'm so glad to hear April went well for you! Your report is so positive and lovely. : )
As for me, I don't set precise word counts for myself because something always prevents me from getting there, but I've overcome lots of self-hesitation this past month where it came to my WIP. I'm at 45,000 words, and perhaps a third finished! And when I began this book I had my doubts about whether it would turn into something or not.