Thursday, September 29, 2016

Space Kitties 2 update!

It's a good day. Sunny, crisp, a little bit autumn-y.

Also, because I was sOOO totally NOT ready for the Space Kitties 2 print release party, which was to coincide with the close of the entries submission window. BUT!!! All is not lost!
Because WE'Ve PUShed It BacK!!!  
YES! We've extended the deadline to end of October because No. 1) we have writers that want in but are just "this close" and need a teensy bit more time, and No. 2) We are NOT READY for the Space Kitties 2 release, and we need a TEENSY bit more time...

So, we're giving us all more time. What is Space Kitties about if it's not about FUN... and what's fun about stressing over deadlines that are completely in our own hands?

So, presto! We have defeated stress. (For this month. Which, yes, I know, is about another 32 hours, but hey... ya gotta take stress defeats where you can get'em! That's what I say!   )
Also, I'm feeling really good atm because I'm about to flee the computer and the office and go work outside with my favorite sis (That would be Abi-sis, my bestie and Space Kitties graphic designer) and we're going to peel poles. Trees cut from the pasture, which will be used in building the shop the farm needs. So yes!
(On multiple levels. :-) )